My goals
It has always been my childhood dream to perform in the Capital City Circus, and it fills me with great pride that at such a young age I have already managed to do so twice. I have plans all the time and I am trying to make them all come true. Next year, I would like to add color to my program with a unicycle and fire juggling. My plans include setting another Guinness record in a short period of time, as well as enrolling in the Imre Baross Artist Academy in two years. My biggest dream is to get a job in a famous circus after the artist training, and to be able to show my skills at as many circus festivals as possible.
It’s an indescribable feeling when two thousand people applaud at the same time after seeing my show, and it makes all the hard work worth it. When I’m on stage, everything around me stops and I’m trying to show my best form. My performance last year launched my entire career, as since then I have been invited to many places in the country. I had many performances before, but since last summer there have been even more. Since then, I have performed in several traveling circuses, including Hungary’s largest traveling circus in Budapest, which jr. József Richter leads. In addition, I have also performed several times in the Richter Safari Park, as well as worked in smaller traveling circuses for several weeks. But these are just a few of the many.
This school year I will graduate, which is the most important thing, so juggling will take a back seat, but it is necessary from the point of view of my career and from all aspects. In two years, I will take a professional exam in IT, and then I will try the artist training course. I feel that I will be able to stand my ground there, but it is still too early to say. I’ve reached the point where I’m not enough on my own and I can’t develop myself further, so I need the artist training course, where I’ll have a specialist by my side who can help me with this. I am persistent, I have not given up so far, and after this I will fight even harder to achieve my goals. When I was little, my dream was to become an artist, and I won’t let the boy who dreamed it all up. My goal is to show the world that anyone can achieve their dreams if they work hard and don’t give up. I don’t know the word impossible, because I don’t think there is such a thing. Everything is possible if one wants and works for it. It took me nearly seven years to be able to perform in the Capital Circus. For many artists, this remains just a dream, which is why I am proud that I succeeded twice. It has been a huge improvement since last year that I have a circus “chill-willi” performance outfit, as well as a stand on which the juggling equipment can be placed. This year, I stepped on stage with much more confidence, as I already knew how kindly the audience would receive me. There is always a little nervousness before the performances, but that is natural. As soon as the curtain opens, everything around me ceases. Now I have my own source of income from performances, which I use for further development and artistic tools.
I feel lucky to have dreams because most kids can’t say that about themselves. And very few people can say, like me, that they have succeeded in achieving their dreams. I don’t know what life will bring in the future, but I will do my best to achieve my goals. Circus life is a very difficult way of life because there is constant travel, tent building and demolition. In the spring, I was lucky enough to experience this way of life for two weeks, I also took down tents and built them, which is hard physical work. I would have received the first contract and caravan of my life, but unfortunately I still had to refuse. I am confident that after the artist training I can accept it and live my life where I have always wanted.